The process of choosing the right translation agency to work with can be pretty challenging and overwhelming. Especially if you don’t have experience in the field. What to look for in a translation company to ensure that its services will satisfy your needs? Check out our tips on how to choose translation agency!

How to choose a translation company? Three vital criteria

Each and every translation company advocates slightly different methods and strategies. So it’s hard to devise one universal list of features that could help you make an informed decision.

However, there are a few basic criteria you can take into account to maximize your chances of choosing the most reliable translation service provider.

Flexibility of the translation agency

What to look for in a translation company? After communicating your requirements, a quality language service provider should tailor the process to how and where the translated text will be used, in addition to the client’s projected budget.

For example, if your product includes a large technical reference manual for highly specialized staff, consisting of hundreds of thousands of words, your customers will probably only need a translation to grasp the general meaning of instructions (particularly if there are many illustrations). In this case, it’s not necessary to use a translator who specializes in consumer-facing content to labor over every word and have an editor proofread the text three times.

How to choose translation company

Size of your business

Wondering how this criterion can help you choose the right translation agency? Well, just think about the entire LSP industry. It’s full of both smaller and more sizable companies. Mature, experienced clients frequently select services offered by large corporate translation agencies.

On the other hand, companies taking their first steps in the market will probably search for smaller agencies that will cater to their needs. Therefore, if you run a relatively small business with an eye toward eventual global expansion , look for a translation company that is willing to work with you as you grow your business, that specializes in a specific field, and won’t consider your inquiry as unprofitable. Smaller companies will frequently see their deadlines pushed out or receive less attention.

Stages of the translation process

Translation is a multi-faceted process that requires the knowledge of both source and target languages, localization, and proofreading skills as well as relevant cultural insights. Without all these elements, it’s impossible to create texts of satisfactory quality.

When doing initial research and determining translation companies’ core strengths and competencies, make sure that you ask questions to help you:

What to look for in a translation company? The takeaway

If you’re looking for an answer to the question on how to choose a translation agency, you need to know that there is no one right solution. What can you do to make a decision that will meet your requirements? Analyze elements such as your budget, the purpose of the translation, as well as potential frequency of cooperation with the LSP. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. They can help you gain a valuable insight into how the agency functions. And the type of performance you can expect.

Wondering whether AI will replace human translators? Check out our previous entry!

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