Machine translation (MT) and artificial intelligence (AI) have significantly facilitated interpersonal communication. Thanks to them, translation is becoming quicker and more efficient. Furthermore, people from all over the world are able to effectively communicate with each other, even if they speak only in their native language. 

AI and MT – what’s the difference?

Many people who aren’t part of the translation world wonder what the difference is between artificial intelligence and machine translation. Are they the same? Or is AI an improved version of MT? 

Machine translation is defined as the process during which we benefit from AI to automatically translate source language content into target language content. All this happens without any human action. Machine translation considers individual words, with no  focus on hidden meanings or relationships between elements.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence relates to a branch of computer science that develops smart machines that perform tasks typically done by humans. AI translators are complex tools that benefit from AI to translate spoken or written words and their actual meanings. This form is more accurate and helps to avoid many misunderstandings. 

Interestingly, AI can be divided into types such as:

Therefore, although machine translation benefits from artificial intelligence, these two terms aren’t interchangeable.

How is AI making translation faster?

Due to the fact that artificial intelligence significantly facilitates the translation process, many customers believe that they don’t actually need specialist support. Is it true? How is AI making translation more efficient?


When using AI translation, you get the results right away. Hundreds or even thousands of words are translated almost immediately, which makes it possible to grasp the meaning of the message and helps to save a lot of time. Thanks to this process, customers receive translations faster.

Endless range of languages

A typical person speaks only one, two, or maximally three languages. However, with the help of AI translation, you can quickly translate texts from virtually any language in the world. Thanks to the general meaning obtained from the machine, translators save a lot of time so that they’re able to focus on post-editing.


Because AI significantly facilitates and shortens the translation process, specialists are able to deliver texts quicker, and at more affordable prices tailored to expectations and budgets of customers. 

Machine translation at Acculing

Specialists at Acculing realize that AI and MT significantly facilitate the process of translating technical documentation and well-structured texts, whereas marketing, literary and customer-oriented content requires more human activity, proofreading, post-editing and localization

We do our best to meet expectations of customers and tailor our strategies to their needs. Acculing offers a wide range of services that can be selected or combined based on your budget and requirements.

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